Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dear Sister Gardner..

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the California San Bernardino Mission. I couldn't be more excited. I definitely was not expecting to go to California, but I couldn't be happier to be there. I report September 4th. I am so excited, I can't put into words what i am feeling about this call, just that there has been a sense of peace that this is where I am supposed to go. The people of San Bernardino better be ready!

Monday, April 15, 2013

My Mission

This last week I had my interviews with my Bishop and Stake President, my papers should have been submitted yesterday morning. I am going on a Mission! I cannot believe the time is finally here. I can't wait to find out where I am going. These last couple of days though have been hard, I know that this is what I need to be doing. School has been stressful, it's the last couple of weeks and I feel like I have no time to do everything that I have to do. I would rather not do my homework, but there is this thing called graduation, and I kind of have to participate in that. So homework is a must, and life goes on. I talked with my bishop and he gave me some great advice. The Atonement is real people, and it will bring peace to your lives. I know that what I have been through and the trials that I have had have taught me so much and prepared me for my mission and the rest of my life. I love life, even now when some days I want to hate it and school. Really I am so blessed.

Friday, April 5, 2013


Conference is this weekend. I cannot wait. There is just something about it that makes me happy. I know the Lord speaks to us, his children, today. Conference is the perfect time to listen. Here are a few things I've learned. Everyone learns differently, some people can just listen to a talk and remember what they heard and felt. I am not one of those people. I have to take notes, and if I want to remember anything, I usually have to read them too. If I want to gain some insight from conference, I also have to be actively listening. I can't be distracted doing other things, I have to have a notebook and pen in hand ready to write down anything and everything. I used to knit or cross stitch while I listened to conference. I got nothing from it, I thought I was paying attention, but as I look back, I payed more attention to my project. It turns out that for a woman, I'm not that great of a multi-tasker! Sometimes God answers our prayers and our questions through his prophets, so I ask questions, write them down and keep them on my mind as I listen. I haven't always done this, like I said, I am learning, but the times that I have, I have received answers. I am on a mission, a mission to become the best me that I can be. Right now that involves going to college and graduating in a month, putting my mission papers in, and living each day to the fullest. I can't wait to serve the Lord full time for 18 months, but in the meantime and after that I plan on serving Him everyday in any way that I can. I hope you all have a wonderful conference weekend.