Monday, March 16, 2015

The last melon...or email 3/9/15

Every time I start to say "the last.." The dodo birds and the
​last melon from Ice age comes to mind..anyways
Well I think this may be my last email home! I can't believe it. 
What a week! 
So Tuesday we had District meeting and we did some role plays which were really good. we were focusing on teaching simply and I learned a lot about asking questions. We met with the Mapus, they are doing pretty good. We keep reading in the Book of Mormon with them. It has been very insightful to try and just pull out the simple and important things. We had exchanges that night with Sister Shin and Sister McConkie. I stayed in the area with Sister Shin. It was an awesome exchange. Wenesday We went to Corona and saw some people down there, then we went to see Koleta. We weren't sure if we could teach her a lesson because neither of us speak samoan, but we taught in English and it was probably the most simple that I have ever taught the Plan of Salvation. I guess that role play helped us out :) We also met with Emo. We were going over the priesthood, since she had some questions about that last sunday, and we were explaining that Joseph Smith received the Aaronic pristhood and was able to perform baptisms and then she asked us about baptism and if her and Su had to be married. We didn't finish our lesson on priesthood, but we were able to answer her question, and that is something that I love about teaching and following the spirit. It isn't always about what you planned but what they really need. We met with Nese and talked to her about her desires and if baptism is still something that she wants and she said , yes this month. So she is on date for March 21st!
Friday night we had a really good lesson with the Bishop and Sister Afutiti. We talked about doing member missionary work and teaching simply. It really sparked interest in them and I think it helped give us a boost too. 
Saturday was one of the best days on my mission. Sister Laiti had an idea a while back to have a picnic for Makayla to help her get to know some of the girls in the ward and to just help her feel comfortable. So we were finally able to get it all worked out and it was perfect. Friday was her birthday so it was basically a birthday party. We made the food and  invited the Young Women and Makayla. She didn't want to come at first, but at the end she told us how grateful she was that she came and that we had done that for her. She had the biggest smile on her face and it was priceless. She had a really good time and so did the girls who were there.
Sunday was good as well. I spoke in Sacrament meeting in the IE ward. It went pretty good. It was on the blessings of Missionary work. 
Today we went with our roommates to the Wigwam motel. I have been wanting to go there pretty much since I first saw it 7 months ago haha! It was pretty cool, they are pretty nice inside too. We also found some old cars out behind them. We had some fun exploring. I just think it's pretty cool that we have Route 66 going through our mission. There's also the first Mc Donalds in San Bernardino. Lets just say California is pretty cool !! I really am gonna miss it here. I love it here and I love the people that I have met. It really just amazes me. I have a greater love for people, and a greater appreciation for life! I love you all!
Sister Kellee Gardner

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