Monday, March 16, 2015

The weekly review 2/23/15

Well this week was really good!
We met with Koleta and talked with her about her baptism. She LOVED it. She talked about how the spirit was so strong and how she just felt SO happy. It made me think about the first time she came to church and how happy she was then, this was 10 times better!
On Friday we made a cake at the Penns for our Ward Mission leader, it was pretty fun! we had dinner with his family that night so we surprised them with a cake!
On Saturday we went out to visit some people with the ward and we stopped by a family and just talking with them and hearing their faith inspired me! I love hearing people talk about how much they love God and how much faith they have. Not in a vain way, but just through their positive experiences and even their trials. 
We went to a members home later that night and taught them the restoration and it really amazed me how much that changed my day. I was having an alright day, but I was feeling kind of down. After the lesson though, i just felt so much better. I know it was because the spirit was there and I was testifying of truth. 
Funny story:
So on Friday I got my "trunky mail", my itinerary and everything. So the sisters gave it to me and I opened it, but it said, Sister Gardner, Just kidding, sorry, but we love you!
They had gotten some index cards to mimmick the invitations to the devotional and a few pieces of paper to make it thick enough. They even took the stamps from the original and put it on the fake one. I think that is why I fell for it. Anyways I got the real thing too, and I just can't believe it is here! Alright thats all I'm gonna say about trunkyness.
I hope everyone is doing well! Thank you for all your prayers and support! I love you all!
Sister Kellee Gardner
Ps, this is a picture I meant to send forever ago, but I just wanted to let you see that I ate half a fish. That is probably the biggest piece I have had, but it isn't the only one!

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